Episode #156 Manifesting Confidence

March 23 , 2023

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You are listening to My Freedom Grove podcast with Gretchen Hernandez, episode 156.

Welcome to My Freedom Grove Podcast, your calm space for practical help to get your dream business up and running while being authentically you and taking care of your mental health. I'm your host, Gretchen Hernandez. I'm so glad you're here!




Hi My Strong Friends.  I’m so excited about the Evolve - Emerge Retreat coming up on May 5-8 out here on the Mendocino Coast.  This last weekend I met with the Videographer.  She is top notch!  Not only does she make promotional videos for companies, she also directs and films movies.  She’s working on her next Documentary right now.

All of you that are coming to the retreat are in for a confidence evolution just from the photography and videography.  I’m including professional headshots and reel - length videos of you that you can use in your business and marketing.  Not only will we work on evolving your confidence from the inside, you’ll see it on the outside.

Make sure you reserve your retreat spot no later than April 5th.  I have to have the final headcount by then so I can make all the arrangements.


Today, let’s talk about Manifesting Confidence.


The number one thing clients tell me they want is Confidence.

When we do Mindset Models, I ask them where they want to start.  They can pick the Result, Actions they want to take naturally, or the feeling they want to feel.

It’s really interesting, that most want the Feeling more than anything.

Confidence is a feeling.  That feeling can be Manifested.  In fact, a lot of great actions and results can be manifested as a result of feeling confidence.

So how do you Manifest Confidence?

Is it just writing the word “Confidence” on a Vision board?

That can certainly help, but it doesn’t cover it all.  Here are 3 important parts to include:

1. Thoughts

2. Details

3. Actions

Hmmm, TDA.  I can image us starting a #TDA viral trend.  Something like show me your #TDA!

It sounds kinda like a PDA.  But instead of showing affection to another person, your showing it to yourself.  Let’s go #TDA!



Do you remember that thoughts create your feelings?  It’s a big part of the Mindset model.  Let’s review the Mindset model quickly.  The Mindset model is a process map of how your brain processes the world.

There are 5 components to it:  Circumstance, Thoughts, Feelings, Actions and Result.

Everything starts with a Circumstance.  A circumstance is a neutral thing that happened.  It can be as simple as a noun and a verb.  For example: A man walked into a room.

Next, our brain assigns a Thought to that Circumstance.  Since the brain is highly efficient, it pulls an existing thought or belief out of our mindset almost instantly.

Continuing with the Man that walked into a room, the brain may assign a thought “He’s out of my league”.  I know you may think I’m making a dating reference here.  Honestly, league can refer to many aspects of your life.  For this reference, I want to offer the league as a customer league.  Have you ever seen a potential customer that either looked like they had it all put together or seemed to be way too advanced to need the help you offer?  That’s what I mean by league here.

Circumstance: A man walks in a room

Thought: He’s out of my league


What feeling does that thought create?  Nervous?  Insufficient? Dismissive?  So many different emotions that could be.

You know which emotions you won’t create with that?  Confidence.

Here’s how the rest of the Mindset model works.

Circumstance: A man walks in a room

Thought: He’s out of my league
Feeling: Insufficient
Action: Look down at your phone or start picking at your nails.  Do not say “hello”, engage in conversation, learn about his needs, and certainly don’t make an offer to help.

Result: Didn’t advance your skills to the next league


Actions always come from your feelings.  When you feel the opposite of confidence, your actions reflect that.  Non-confident actions do not lead to your most desired results.  In fact, the results you get from those actions or inactions will provide proof that your thought is correct.

Why on earth would you want to reinforce the thought “He’s out of my league?”

How much confidence would you feel if you truly believed you could help ANYBODY, no matter what perceived league they were in?  Even better, what if you were the service provider of choice to the higher leagues?  How confident would you be then?

You can’t manifest Confidence with self-defeating thoughts.

You manifest confidence with Confidence Manifesting Thoughts.

What are those?  My daughter has a funny way of saying this phrase.  Hopefully, you’re listening to this podcast, instead of only reading the transcript.  She says it like this “What are those?!!!!??”  lol


Confidence Manifesting Thoughts are ANY thoughts that create the feeling of Confidence.

You can even borrow a thought about something completely different than the Circumstance to generate Confidence.

Why would you want to do that?

Because energy attracts energy.  That’s the key with Manifestation.  You have to already be emitting the energy you want to attract.

If you give off confidence, you will attract confidence.

In business, when you give off confidence, you will attract clients that are confident they want to work with you.

So what are some Confidence Manifesting Thoughts you can choose to think on purpose?

I have 2 off the top of my mind that I use repeatedly.

The Circumstance can be anything Business related.

Thought 1:  I feel so great in my clothes, I can stay 100% focused on my client.

Thought 2: If we were all standing in line to get on a ride at Disneyland, we’re all equal.

Both of these thoughts are believable to me.  In fact, they are 100% believable.  You want to make sure you are not telling yourself lies.  It’s hard to feel confident when you are lying to yourself.

What are some Thoughts that generate the feeling of Confidence in you?

Think of times when you felt an overwhelming feeling of Confidence.  When was it?  What were you doing?  Close your eyes and put yourself there.  What were you thinking at the time?  Was it something about you?  Something about your environment or something or someone else?  How can you borrow that thought to use at any time?

I’d recommend writing down that thought.  Perhaps write it on a post it note and put it where you can see it.

This is a thought you believed in at one point.  It created the feeling of Confidence.  If it worked once, it can work again.

If your brain is resisting this thought, you may have to practice the thought for a while before it becomes your new habit.

The more Confidence Manifesting Thoughts you can generate, the better.  You may need the variety to cover any circumstance you encounter.


It’s one thing to say “I want to feel Confident”, it’s another to BE CONFIDENT and emit CONFIDENCE.

That’s where we describe the details.  The more details you can describe, the more likely those details will become your reality.

I want you to close your eyes and see yourself feeling confident.  You may have to temporarily go back to a confident moment in your past to see the details.

Let’s describe those details.  When you felt Confident:

  • How was your body positioned?  Were you sitting, standing or walking?
  • How was your head positioned?  Chin up, neutral or down? Faced forward or turned to the side?
  • Where were your eyes directed? Outward, making eye contact with one person at a time?  Looking off to the side? Looking down.  Did you maintain one direction or were your eyes bouncing around from one thing to the next?
  • How did your face look?  What color, temperature, facial expression was noticeable?
  • How did you interact with others?
  • What did you say or do?
  • Did you have anything with you that contributed to your confidence?
  • What were you wearing?
  • How were you feeling physically?
  • What things did you do or say when you felt confident?
  • How did you speak?


Now imagine yourself in the future.  Describe what you look like and how you are expressing yourself when you feel confident.

You may want to write this part down.  Re-read it often.  Imagine you are already there.  Feel that energy surge into your body.


Manifest those details.

When you notice yourself expressing those details, acknowledge it.  Delight in it.  The more you can manifest those details, the more natural it will feel.

Now, a note of caution - Don’t fake the details.  Other people pick up on it being fake.  Dig deep, feel it.  In fact, remind yourself of the Confidence producing thoughts, then step into the Details for real.



Your actions ultimately determine your results.  The results provide evidence that your thoughts are true.  Or, if you didn’t have confidence producing thoughts, your new results will influence brand new thoughts.

Here are 2 ways you can do the thing that creates confidence:

1.  Use courage or advocate energy to do the thing. 

With both of these feelings, you don’t have confidence producing thoughts yet.  


Courage feelings come from thoughts such as “I know there’s a chance this isn’t going to turn out well, but, I’m going to do it anyway”.  I had to do this a lot in the beginning of my business.  Especially when I quit my job, sold my house and bought a house overlooking the ocean.  There were no biotech companies within 4 hours of my house.

I googled a lot of Winston Churchill quotes back then.  He was all about courage.


Advocate energy is also helpful.  Are you willing to do things, even if it has a bad outcome for you, as long as it helps someone else.  My mom used to use a phrase called “Bullet Love”.  Do you love the other person enough, that you are willing to take a bullet for them?

Now a bullet may be a bit extreme when it comes to advocacy in your business.  Instead, it may be criticism or judgment.  Are you willing to put yourself out there, and be subject to judgment, because you know it will help other people?

I’m a Mental Health and LGBTQ advocate.  I’m willing to put my story and my content out there because I know it will benefit people I care about.  Is it easy to talk about my journey with depression, anxiety or IBS?  No.  But, the people I help are worth it.  Is it easy to talk about being Pansexual?  No, but it connects me to others I care about.


Eventually, when you do things by leveraging courage or advocacy energy, you get really comfortable doing them.  Then you get confident doing them.

2.  The easier way to “do the thing” is to do the Mindset Models to create a semi-believable thought that creates some confidence.  It doesn’t have to be 100% confidence.  It just has to be a little over 50%


It opens the door for possibility.


Even with 50% confidence, you are doing the things.  You are doing the actions. Your appearance is showing some of the confidence.


You get partial results.  Partial results are just enough to provide proof that your thoughts were true.

Then you repeat.

Do the same things.  The difference is that you will believe your thoughts a little bit more.  You will feel a little bit more confident.  You will do a few more things with confidence.  Your results will be bigger.  That gives even more evidence to prove your thoughts true.

Practice believing, feeling and doing.  The evidence will be there.  The day will come when this is your new normal and you feel 100% confident.




How do you Manifest Confidence?




  • Thoughts
  • Details
  • Actions

Have Confidence Manifesting Thoughts, even if you have to borrow unrelated thoughts to create confidence.


Get specific about the Details of what a Confident you looks, sounds and acts like


Do the thing (action) to create confidence.  Leverage other emotions such as courage or advocate energy to do the actions at first.  Or do the actions from 50% belief to collect evidence.

My friend, your Confidence will evolve.  There are some incredible heights of Confidence just around the corner for you.  It’s coming.  You know it’s true.  Don’t shy away from it now.

You have a big purpose during this lifetime.  It’s ok to go through several evolutions before you are ready to fully step into that purpose.  That’s ok.  It’s part of your journey.  It doesn’t matter how long it takes.  All that matters is that you get there and have excellent Mental Health.

I’m here for you every step of the way.  In fact, I put together a Webinar for you this Saturday.  It is the 3 Essential Things You Need to Get Clarity and Confidence in Your Business.  This free webinar is happening this Saturday, March 25th at 11am PT.

If you can’t make that time, don’t worry.  There will be a replay later that night.  You have to register for the webinar though.  Otherwise I won’t have a way to give you the link for the replay.

To register for the webinar, go to www.myfreedomgrove.com/clarity_confidence.  The link will also be on the webpage for this podcast episode at www.myfreedomgrove.com/podcast-156.

My friends, you can Manifest anything.  I manifested living in a house overlooking the ocean, running a 6 figure business I built from scratch, and providing Business & Wellness retreats to all my favorite people.

The sky’s the limit for you!

Have a wonderful week.  I’ll talk with you soon.  Bye bye.


Thank you for listening to My Freedom Grove Podcast. When you are ready to make your dream business a reality and take care of your mental health, I invite you to join the Unshakable Business Co-Lab. This is the mastermind membership you've been waiting for. There's no limits on your imagination, nor your timeline. We're with you every step of the way. To learn more, please visit www.myfreedomgrove.com/join. I'll see you there!


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