Hi My Strong Friend -- if you're feeling overwhelmed, lost or ready to throw in the towel on your business, this is for you.


Enroll Now

Create a Sustainable

& Scalable Business

While being Authentically You and
Taking Care of Your Mental Health

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  • You have a bunch of your business pieces figured out, but you don't know how they all go together

  • You feel a bit exhausted and deflated from trying so many things without the big payoff

  • You're worn out from investing 10's of thousands of dollars on certifications and high ticket coaching.  It's starting to feel like just an expensive hobby.

First...(((Big Hugs)))

You've done a great job so far.  Don't let your Inner Critic tell you otherwise.

Let's get your Value Aligned Sales Funnel &  Products/Services working so you can finally:

  • Reach Your People
  • Help Them Get Results
  • Make a Sustainable Income

Hi, I'm Gretchen Hernandez


 I’m a Certified Lean Six Sigma Business Process & Mindset Coach.  With over 25 years experience supporting Biotech and Entrepreneurs, I know how to take you from High Level Vision to nitty gritty details and help you get it all done and working.  Using Visual Management coaching tools and data, you’ll have the structure to see and solve the right obstacles, clearing the path to easily achieve your Business Goals.

The Unshakable Business Co-Lab

mastermind membership

your homebase to create a Legacy Business

Inside you'll have hands on support to Design, Build & Optimize

  • Your full suite of Highly Desirable Products/Services
  • Value Aligned Sales Funnels for planned, predictable revenue
  • Streamlined Processes and Schedules - so you know what to do, when to do it...and not feel overwhelmed

Even more important, Your Mental Health always comes first.

💚 Resolve Emotional Triggers from Business & Life

💚 Heal Wounds from the Past

💚 Develop your Growth Mindset & Confidence

And finally...the tech

My friend, you’re in Good Hands.  With my extensive experience in Software Development, Systems Integration and Training, I can help you.  During our coaching calls, you can screen share so I can help you get through the hurdles quickly and calmly.

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Tuesdays 4-5pm PT
Thursdays 12-1pm PT

Members take turns getting 1:1 coaching with Gretchen 
You will get INTO ACTION.

Coaching will include face to face interaction, white board work, screensharing and using your customized Google Business tools and/or editing your specific Business pieces and tech.  


Specially designed Google Business Tools accelerate your progress.  All members receive a Clarity Steps workbook and Google Jamboard - an online white board with sticky notes.  This is our design space for value ladders, products/services, sales funnels and processes.

Depending on your specific business needs, additional tools will be provided and used such as:

  • 1 Page Business Plan
  • Revenue Tracker (also helps with pricing)
  • Customized Project Plans
  • Launch Plans & Calendars
  •  And so much more!

Optional screen sharing & scribing by Gretchen during coaching sessions allows for quick organization done for you.  Perfect for the neurodiverse mind!



1. Wired for Success -The Clarity Steps system to achieve any Goal while putting your Mental Health First

 2. The Product Lab - To design products/services you clients want to purchase.  This includes Pricing & Schedule guides,Detailed Project Build & Marketing Plans for 1:1, Workshops, Group Programs, Online Courses and Memberships.

3. Smooth & Scalable - An introduction to Sales Funnels, Data and Processes.  This includes 10 effective Sales Funnel Maps so you can see how the pieces fit together.

The Connection Factor - How to talk to strangers, connect with your authentic stories and create consults to become fully booked.


5. Love Your Schedule - Schedule blocking and techniques to resolve Shiny Object Syndrome and Schedule Crashes


6. Emotional Freedom - Mindset tools and techniques to decrease depression, anxiety and frustration so you can get back to business and have a better Quality of Life.

Action oriented courses include homework, accountability steps and mindset support to get you moving.  Not only will you evolve into Future You, you will gain clarity on your business & finances, design and build all the pieces, and get into action to generate revenue. 



#WeRiseTogether through sharing our experiences, referrals, friendships and exploring collaborations.


  • Private Facebook Group for 24/7 support from Gretchen and Unshakable Business Co-Lab members

 Explore collaboration opportunities with Gretchen and other Members such as Podcast interviews, Speaker & Breakout Workshop Facilitation at Retreats, Conferences and Summits, and Guest Coaching.


This is where your dreams become reality.

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You can create your legacy.  Not only will you be able to help the people you really want to help, you can do it your way, and create a sustainable income.  It includes taking care of you.  You will be well equipped with the tools and coach used by Billion dollar international companies. And you will belong to a community of people that want to lift you up.  Life is about to get really good!

I want in Unshakable Business Co-Lab
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Join the Unshakable Business Co-Lab

Your success is inevitable when you are surrounded by the right support.  Not only will you get the education to start, grow and scale your business, you'll also have access to your own World Class Business coach at all times.  

  • 2 Weekly Coaching Sessions - coaching, innovation, homework help, resolve your obstacles, restore calm, tech support
  • 6 Actionable Business & Mindset Courses - to go from idea to up & running, and all the mindset in between
  • Actionable Homework with clear business deliverables & capabilities to drive results
  • Customizable Google Business Tools & Templates - get objective, organized and profitable
  • Private Facebook Accountability & Support Group - get 24/7 support and accountability


  • BONUS 1 - 5 Product project plans
  • BONUS 2 - 10 Funnel Maps and project plans


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Design, build and experiment to create your Unshakable Legacy business AND take care of your Mental Health.


Even if you had a failed business in the past, you can be successful this time. My client Dawn generated over $300k+ in revenue after working together for only 3 months.  And that was without a website!

Seriously my strong friend, it really is much easier than you think!

You can start where you're at. I started in a chair in the corner of my bedroom. Now I run a sustainable business in a house overlooking the ocean.


You, your life & business are supported holistically.  You are set up for success in every way.

Get on the Waiting List


"I started working with Gretchen right after I had made a major decision to leave my corporate job and pursue my dream of becoming a coach.

Gretchen uses tools and mindset work that are extremely effective and helped me process through not only my big job change, but many other mental blocks I was dealing with. Mental Health is important to me… and I have been working on mine for quite some time. I had been seeing a therapist, reading self-help books, researching and listening to podcasts, but it wasn’t until I started to work with Gretchen that I was able to truly see results and change within myself!"


“The Unshakable program gives me the tools, the guidance and support I need to work through things that would otherwise be unsaid by breaking it down and removing the stigma of discussing. Helping to rapidly make progress where slow or no progress would otherwise be made.

Gretchen has a unique way of working you through your goals or problems that gets you the clarity that you only dreamed of!”


Gretchen is one of the most empowering, supportive and encouraging coaches you will ever meet!

She has a style borne of processes and a sincere desire to help you attain any goal you’re wanting to reach for. Her genuine belief in your ability and the valuable contribution you offer is unparalleled. And, in that belief you will find your resilience and the desire to move forward knowing you have a true supporter and coach at your side. Gretchen’s process will help identify the tasks that are needed to get you to your goal and then break those down into bite sized, doable chunks that help to make you feel accomplished and successful.


I'm ready to join

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You Might be Thinking...


I don’t have the attention span for more online courses

 No worries. You have access to twice per week coaching with Gretchen.  She’ll keep you focused with your own customized Google Jamboard (online white board with post it notes) and hand selected spreadsheets.


I don’t want my Mental Health or Intellectual Property exposed for all to see

Your privacy is important to us.  Calls are only viewable live with the members that attend.  Although the calls are recorded, they are not published.  Only the member that was coached may request their portion of the recording.


I’m still swirling on my Niche  I might not be ready for this

I’ll help you get this clear once and for all.  It will be data based and value aligned to set you up for success.


I don't know if I have time to devote to this

You are the best decision maker on your time.  If you want help creating the time for your business and the support to make it work, let's work on your Schedule first.  There are always way to streamline things, including life stuff, to make room for what you really want.  As a LEAN business process coach, this is one of my specialities.  I help you meet your intent in the easiest, fastest way.  You're real question just needs to be...do I want the support within the Unshakable Business Co-Lab?


I’m already in other Business Coaching programs 

That’s OK.  I believe in Tag Team Coaching.  Each coach brings something different to the table.  A business often needs a unique quilt of support.


I have ADHD.  I keep jumping around between different businesses or offers. 

First —you are perfectly fine as you are.  I see ADHD and other Neurodiversities as a superpower.  My systems and processes are perfect for your brain.  You get to sit back and talk, I scribe during our calls, organizing all of your thoughts on the different tabs as we go.


My Human Design is Projector - I’m great at coming up with Vision, but my follow through isn’t great. 

No problem…I’m a Manifesting Generator and I have project plans to support you.  This will be a great Yin/Yang partnership.


My Human Design is Generator - I just need to see the steps to take. 

My friend, Vision is going to be important too.  I’ll help you create a vision that inspires you.  With the funnel maps and project plans, you’ll then have your steps to take.


I might be too much of a hot mess, my mental health is not great right now. 

First, Hugs.  It’s OK to not be OK.  You’ll still be able to make your business work.  I know because I started when my depression and anxiety were at their worst.  Your Entrepreneur Journey will include healing as well as business, at a pace that's right for you.  All of that is included in this Membership.  It’s possible (I’m living proof) to resolve Depression and significantly reduce anxiety with the Mindset tools we use together.  At the end you’ll have a healthy YOU and a sustainable income on your terms.

Join the Unshakable Business Co-Lab

Your success is inevitable when you are surrounded by the right support.  Not only will you get the education to start, grow and scale your business, you'll also have access to your own World Class Business coach at all times.  

  • 2 Weekly Coaching Sessions - coaching, innovation, homework help, resolve your obstacles, restore calm, tech support
  • 6 Actionable Business & Mindset Courses - to go from idea to up & running, and all the mindset in between
  • Actionable Homework with clear business deliverables & capabilities to drive results
  • Customizable Google Business Tools & Templates - get objective, organized and profitable
  • Private Facebook Accountability & Support Group - get 24/7 support and accountability


  • BONUS 1 - 5 Product project plans
  • BONUS 2 - 10 Funnel Maps and project plans


Get on the Waiting List

Still Got Questions?


It's important that this is a good fit. I know when it is a good fit, you will have 100% success.  Come in, check out the courses, coaching calls and community.  If it feels like it isn't right for you, you may request a refund.  You must do this within 14 days of enrolling to receive a refund.


If you want to have success as an Entrepreneur, check your "Why" behind the desire.  If it is for an immediate income, entrepreneurship may not be for you.  If you want to do it to learn how to evolve & become financially self sufficient for a lifetime, you are in the right place.

Creating the right products & services involves research and lots of experiments.  Personal evolution and skill building is also needed to be able to market, sell and manage the business.  Everything is learnable.  Success is inevitable for those committed to their vision and personal development.