Episode #188 2024 Possibilities

January 7, 2024


 Make 2024 The Year IT Happens!  This year is full of possibilities.  Let's get you ready to recieve all of the abundance.

Ever start off the New Year with the same goal you had in previous years?  If the goal was not met before, you may be unintentionally bringing in emotional baggage that will slow you down.  What you need is something brand new. Something for which you have no evidence about outcome either way.  Instead you get to feel wonder and freedom.  This episode is going to get those creative juices flowing.

Goals  are so much easier when you know all the pieces.  Have you allowed the Universe to align you with the right people to get those pieces?  I have a couple of tips that will allow inspiration to kick in.

But, are you ready to recieve all of the abundance that's coming your way?  At first you might think "Of Course!"  But are you really?  Let's take a look at these 4 systems.  I bet you'll find yourself thinking "Oh wow, I never thought about that before."  Exactly.  That's why I'm here to help.  I can't wait to see what's in store for your 2024! 

In this episode we explore:

  • The exiliration of doing new things and estabilishing new habits
  • Allowing Universal alignment for biggest impact
  • Exploring new Thought Communities
  • The 4 Systems You need in place to Recieve Abundance




[0:47] Dealt too many cards?  Or Gifted with Possibilities? - How a family card game can shift your perspective of what's needed for success. 

[2:35] The Best Goals are Exciting and New - Plus No Evidence - Don't let old baggage weigh you down by retrying failed dreams.  Shift into curiousity, wonder and excitement of something new.  Plus learn about 1 easy tool that will help you establish the habits to ensure your success with the new goal.

[7:10] Allow for Universal Alignment for Your Biggest Impact-  You'll be blown away when you experience it.  There is at least 1 new connection out there that will completely change the trajectory of your business and life.  Are you open to allow this alignment?  Where do you start?....listen in, I've got some suggestions.

[14:07] Ready to Recieve?  Maybe.  But are your Systems?- Abundance happens, especially when you've made space for it and put out the welcome mat.  We'll go over the 4 systems to have ready to ensure 2024 is The Year It Happens!

Consultations are a make or break aspect to many businesses. They are the critical moment to learn what a potential customer really needs and how your product/service is the perfect solution. If you don’t have enough consults or you’re not successfully converting the consults into paying clients, your business will suffer.

This episode is for you. 

There are tons of people that need your help. But, if your Connection skills are off, you’ll be tempted to keep yourself occupied with busy work. That doesn’t keep a business afloat. I have a special course to share with you. I’ll show you the exact psychology and authentic approach that will get you fully booked.

As for the consult itself, guess what? It’s just a series of process steps. Which process steps you may ask? Why, the Clarity Steps of course!  Seriously, this Secret Sauce works on everything!

In this episode I’ll reveal how to use The Clarity Steps as your framework for a Consultation call that converts to a paid client.  You’ll learn how to connect with heart, with their exact needs and deliver on what is most valuable to them.  The Clarity Steps gives you a Win - Win.  A win for them and a win for your business, everytime.

In this episode we explore:

  • An off the shelf offer to help you book more consultations
  • What a consultation actually is
  • What to do before a consultation call
  • How to structure the consultation call (using the Clarity Steps!)
  • A good idea vs. a valuable idea
  • The difference between innovative projects and improvement projects

Time Stamps

[3:00] The Connection Factor course- If you’re not booking consultations, I have an off-the-shelf offering for you (and a coupon code!).

[4:43] Taking a potential client to a paying client- If you are booking consultation calls, it is time to make sure you are converting a high percentage of those to paying clients.

[4:51] Let’s define consultation- Just to make sure we’re all talking about the same thing, I’m going to tell you what a consultation actually is. 

[7:58] Pour on the Secret Sauce- The clarity steps are back! They are the secret sauce to many components of your business, today we’re using them in your consultation calls. 

[9:27] The Work before the Work- Doing some “pre-work” before your call will help you go into the meeting feeling prepared. 

[14:25] The structure of a strong consultation call- The Clarity Steps are going to help you approach each consultation with the same overall structure. This consistency will give you more confidence and lead to higher conversions. 

[16:07] Guide their vision- Ask some questions, step into their dream with your potential client. This is also when you find out what type of project they have in mind for the potential work. 

[20:03] Good ideas aren’t always valuable- If the product or service doesn't sell, that might mean that your idea doesn’t hold value for your business right now. 

[23:31] Measuring success for potential projects- Success will look different for different types of projects, so asking the right questions in this step is important. 

[25:15] Bridging the gap- In this part of a consultation call, you’ll share how what you do can get them from Point A to Point B in their project. 

[26:27] Hearing ALL the obstacles- Connecting during this part of a consultation could be what really helps you turn a potential client into a paying client. 

[31:05] What have you tried?- The experiment step for the consultation call centers around finding out what the potential client has tried, and why they are seeking help now. 

[32:05] Uncovering requirements for a successful solution- The lessons learned step will guide the conversation to the must haves within a chosen solution 

[33:10] Extending an offer- If you know you can help, and the potential client is a good fit, it’s time to extend an offer to work together! 

[35:17] Celebrating a two-sided YES- Don’t forget to celebrate the WIN! 

[37:52] Things to keep in mind- This is all a process and your own mindset plays a role.

[41:33] A quick recap- If you need help beyond the application of the Clarity Steps to your consultations calls, I would love to support you.

[44:17] Staying authentic- No matter what type of project, what type of offer, or who the potential client is, don’t forget to add your personal touch to all your consultations.

Consultations are a make or break aspect to many businesses. They are the critical moment to learn what a potential customer really needs and how your product/service is the perfect solution. If you don’t have enough consults or you’re not successfully converting the consults into paying clients, your business will suffer.

This episode is for you. 

There are tons of people that need your help. But, if your Connection skills are off, you’ll be tempted to keep yourself occupied with busy work. That doesn’t keep a business afloat. I have a special course to share with you. I’ll show you the exact psychology and authentic approach that will get you fully booked.

As for the consult itself, guess what? It’s just a series of process steps. Which process steps you may ask? Why, the Clarity Steps of course!  Seriously, this Secret Sauce works on everything!

In this episode I’ll reveal how to use The Clarity Steps as your framework for a Consultation call that converts to a paid client.  You’ll learn how to connect with heart, with their exact needs and deliver on what is most valuable to them.  The Clarity Steps gives you a Win - Win.  A win for them and a win for your business, everytime.

In this episode we explore:

  • An off the shelf offer to help you book more consultations
  • What a consultation actually is
  • What to do before a consultation call
  • How to structure the consultation call (using the Clarity Steps!)
  • A good idea vs. a valuable idea
  • The difference between innovative projects and improvement projects

Time Stamps

[3:00] The Connection Factor course- If you’re not booking consultations, I have an off-the-shelf offering for you (and a coupon code!).

[4:43] Taking a potential client to a paying client- If you are booking consultation calls, it is time to make sure you are converting a high percentage of those to paying clients.

[4:51] Let’s define consultation- Just to make sure we’re all talking about the same thing, I’m going to tell you what a consultation actually is. 

[7:58] Pour on the Secret Sauce- The clarity steps are back! They are the secret sauce to many components of your business, today we’re using them in your consultation calls. 

[9:27] The Work before the Work- Doing some “pre-work” before your call will help you go into the meeting feeling prepared. 

[14:25] The structure of a strong consultation call- The Clarity Steps are going to help you approach each consultation with the same overall structure. This consistency will give you more confidence and lead to higher conversions. 

[16:07] Guide their vision- Ask some questions, step into their dream with your potential client. This is also when you find out what type of project they have in mind for the potential work. 

[20:03] Good ideas aren’t always valuable- If the product or service doesn't sell, that might mean that your idea doesn’t hold value for your business right now. 

[23:31] Measuring success for potential projects- Success will look different for different types of projects, so asking the right questions in this step is important. 

[25:15] Bridging the gap- In this part of a consultation call, you’ll share how what you do can get them from Point A to Point B in their project. 

[26:27] Hearing ALL the obstacles- Connecting during this part of a consultation could be what really helps you turn a potential client into a paying client. 

[31:05] What have you tried?- The experiment step for the consultation call centers around finding out what the potential client has tried, and why they are seeking help now. 

[32:05] Uncovering requirements for a successful solution- The lessons learned step will guide the conversation to the must haves within a chosen solution 

[33:10] Extending an offer- If you know you can help, and the potential client is a good fit, it’s time to extend an offer to work together! 

[35:17] Celebrating a two-sided YES- Don’t forget to celebrate the WIN! 

[37:52] Things to keep in mind- This is all a process and your own mindset plays a role.

[41:33] A quick recap- If you need help beyond the application of the Clarity Steps to your consultations calls, I would love to support you.

[44:17] Staying authentic- No matter what type of project, what type of offer, or who the potential client is, don’t forget to add your personal touch to all your consultations.

Consultations are a make or break aspect to many businesses. They are the critical moment to learn what a potential customer really needs and how your product/service is the perfect solution. If you don’t have enough consults or you’re not successfully converting the consults into paying clients, your business will suffer.

This episode is for you. 

There are tons of people that need your help. But, if your Connection skills are off, you’ll be tempted to keep yourself occupied with busy work. That doesn’t keep a business afloat. I have a special course to share with you. I’ll show you the exact psychology and authentic approach that will get you fully booked.

As for the consult itself, guess what? It’s just a series of process steps. Which process steps you may ask? Why, the Clarity Steps of course!  Seriously, this Secret Sauce works on everything!

In this episode I’ll reveal how to use The Clarity Steps as your framework for a Consultation call that converts to a paid client.  You’ll learn how to connect with heart, with their exact needs and deliver on what is most valuable to them.  The Clarity Steps gives you a Win - Win.  A win for them and a win for your business, everytime.

In this episode we explore:

  • An off the shelf offer to help you book more consultations
  • What a consultation actually is
  • What to do before a consultation call
  • How to structure the consultation call (using the Clarity Steps!)
  • A good idea vs. a valuable idea
  • The difference between innovative projects and improvement projects

Time Stamps

[3:00] The Connection Factor course- If you’re not booking consultations, I have an off-the-shelf offering for you (and a coupon code!).

[4:43] Taking a potential client to a paying client- If you are booking consultation calls, it is time to make sure you are converting a high percentage of those to paying clients.

[4:51] Let’s define consultation- Just to make sure we’re all talking about the same thing, I’m going to tell you what a consultation actually is. 

[7:58] Pour on the Secret Sauce- The clarity steps are back! They are the secret sauce to many components of your business, today we’re using them in your consultation calls. 

[9:27] The Work before the Work- Doing some “pre-work” before your call will help you go into the meeting feeling prepared. 

[14:25] The structure of a strong consultation call- The Clarity Steps are going to help you approach each consultation with the same overall structure. This consistency will give you more confidence and lead to higher conversions. 

[16:07] Guide their vision- Ask some questions, step into their dream with your potential client. This is also when you find out what type of project they have in mind for the potential work. 

[20:03] Good ideas aren’t always valuable- If the product or service doesn't sell, that might mean that your idea doesn’t hold value for your business right now. 

[23:31] Measuring success for potential projects- Success will look different for different types of projects, so asking the right questions in this step is important. 

[25:15] Bridging the gap- In this part of a consultation call, you’ll share how what you do can get them from Point A to Point B in their project. 

[26:27] Hearing ALL the obstacles- Connecting during this part of a consultation could be what really helps you turn a potential client into a paying client. 

[31:05] What have you tried?- The experiment step for the consultation call centers around finding out what the potential client has tried, and why they are seeking help now. 

[32:05] Uncovering requirements for a successful solution- The lessons learned step will guide the conversation to the must haves within a chosen solution 

[33:10] Extending an offer- If you know you can help, and the potential client is a good fit, it’s time to extend an offer to work together! 

[35:17] Celebrating a two-sided YES- Don’t forget to celebrate the WIN! 

[37:52] Things to keep in mind- This is all a process and your own mindset plays a role.

[41:33] A quick recap- If you need help beyond the application of the Clarity Steps to your consultations calls, I would love to support you.

[44:17] Staying authentic- No matter what type of project, what type of offer, or who the potential client is, don’t forget to add your personal touch to all your consultations.  

Janaury 12th - Free Workshop

Make 2024 the Year It Happens in your Business!

Get your business working and finally smash the glass ceiling.  All while taking care of your Mental Health.

Walk away with your customized framework and system to keep you focused and unstoppable. 

Learn More

Janaury 26th - Free Webinar

Your heart wants to help so many people.  And you're really good at helping.
So why can't you reach them?

Head over to the webinar registration page to learn the answer...and the solution.


Learn More

Links from this Episode


Get the Right Support for Your Life and Business

  • Business 1:1 coaching - Get your dream business running smoothly and profitably while putting your mental health first.
  • Unshakable Business Co-Lab - Business courses and coaching for a season or a lifetime, it's your choice.  Get on the waiting list so you don't miss the next open enrollment period.
  • Life Coaching 1:1 - Got work stress?  I've got all the tools to help you have a harmonious, successful work life.

Free Guides to get you started:


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