Episode #110 Tag Team Coaching

Leverage Diversity to Create the Best Solutions
April 1, 2022

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 You are listening to My Freedom Grove podcast with Gretchen Hernandez, episode 110.

Welcome to My Freedom Grove podcast. The all inclusive podcast that teaches mindset and business tools. We'll help you rise as your authentic self. Be unshakable with your emotional freedom and unstoppable in achieving any goal and living your purpose. I'm your host, Gretchen Hernandez. If you want to put your mental health first in life, relationships and business, you've come to the right place.


Hi, my strong friends. Oh my gosh. I am so excited. Next week I'm headed back out to Texas. Seems to be like a recurring theme. I am gonna go be in a room with hundreds, if not a thousand life coaches. How cool is this gonna be?


I know a bunch of them already, so this is gonna be great. I finally get to go be with all of my friends in person. We've known each other virtually, we've been meeting over Zoom for quite a while, but now we actually get to meet in person and have a great time together.


So as you know, I certified with the Life Coach School last year as a professionally certified life coach, I chose the life coach school for my certification for two reasons. Number one, Brooke Castillo and all of her coaching and her tools, I believe saved my life. Just throwing it out there. In 2017, when I was having my white light moment, it was Brooke Castillo that came into my life and she taught me the coaching model, the one that I teach to you guys, and it changed everything.


My second reason is because I wanted to be in the room with everybody else that also knew these same tools. I wanted to be part of the club. Now I knew that a lot of people had certified through the life coach school. I didn't know how many, but I knew that we are a special breed of people. We really care about the rest of the world and we really, really wanna help people. So to be in the room with all of these wonderful life coaches was going to be just pure magic.


What is Tag Team Coaching?


I know that there are collaboration opportunities, a plenty. So when we're talking business circles, this is a great place to go to find your business circle partners. Which is what leads me into today's episode on tag team coaching.


What the heck is tag-team coaching tag team coaching is where value-aligned coaches come together and leverage their different skills, their different experiences, their different knowledge to be able to fully help a client. I developed this term back when I was still coaching in biotech I started studying growth mindset way back then. Because I started to see patterns, human patterns of behavior that were leaning towards fixed mindset. So fixed mindset, where you're worried about competition. You're worried about if you're looking good or not, is so much that could go wrong with fixed mindset thinking.


And remember mindset, it's just a collection of thoughts and beliefs that you have collected throughout your whole life. People have either donated it to you, or you developed those different thoughts or beliefs from your own observations of things out in the world.


Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset


One of the things that I noticed was that there were some individuals that I worked with that did not want to share their clients. They wanted to be the one and only person that could support a client. And they didn't want to learn from other people. We all bring our different skill sets, and our different knowledge. And so one of the things that I was bringing into biotech coaching was mindset. This was something that was pretty new. We had one other person who had a background in behavior, so she already knew a bunch of this stuff, but we had other folks that had never experienced the world of mindset coaching at all.


So when I introduced it, I was shot down.


Not all of my teammates wanted to learn. They didn't necessarily agree with it. They didn't think that I should be doing it. And yet I would see their clients struggling. And I'd offer to come in and help. Now, they didn't wanna share their client and they didn't want to learn my tools. I was there like, Hey, I am more than willing to teach you these great, wonderful tools because not only had I had some really great breakthroughs, but my clients were getting breakthroughs.


And in fact, they were having leaps and bounds, better results than the clients that didn't have the mindset coaching. We were including process coaching with everything, no matter which coach, it was like, we all knew how to do that, but I had this extra set of things. If I see people that are struggling, like they're stuck in something, or if all of a sudden their anxiety is getting in the way, or they were having depression at work, or there was some kind of conflict between team members. I knew I had all of the tools and skills and experience to be able to help in that situation.


But when you have a fixed mindset and you're worried about competition, and you think that your way is the only way your clients are not gonna have all of the help that they need. Now, a growth mindset believes that you can always learn and that you can learn from other people. And that you can accept help from other people and including teammates. When you have a fixed mindset, you find yourself not feeling great.


Have you ever been worried about competition? Have you ever been worried about looking bad in somebody's eyes or like the boss thinking that you weren't completely competent at doing your job? So you thought, okay, I'm just gonna learn how to do all of this. Or you stress out worrying constantly about what the boss is gonna think.


Yet, nothing actually changes like your performance actually goes down a little bit instead of going up. And you're not developing your skillset because you're worried about just like trying to change their opinion. You might go in extra on this stuff that you are already good at thinking, well, if I'm really a shining example of how good I'm at this, then they won't see that I'm not good at this other thing over here.


All of that leads to a whole lot of undue stress. And if your clients aren't getting results and you keep trying and trying, and, and that none of it is working, then you're not looking good and your client's not looking good. We want to help our clients. So, this is why I think that tag team coaching is so important.


Now, when you, as a coach, open yourself up to the idea of being part of a tag team, where you're willing to share your clients, all of a sudden some weight is lifted off of your shoulders.


It's not about you having to look good at being able to solve everything in the world. You can be really good at the part that you do really, really well and tag in somebody else to help with some of the other parts. Now, maybe you are good at a whole bunch of things. Have you ever found that you're someone that wants to help people with everything under the sun? I tend to be like that. I'll be totally honest. I wanna help people with everything. I have quite a big skillset, but that doesn't mean that I always should be. Sometimes I need to narrow my scope in so that we can get finished with one part before we move on to the next thing, or maybe we just focus on a couple of things instead of 10 things.


I also found that I have massive scope creep.


I'm getting ready to record more courses for the upcoming Unshakable business CoLab group. And the number of courses that I wanted to create was huge. The amount of content was huge. I kept trying to think, well, what are all of the ways that I could reduce this scope? Because honestly, if you're someone that wants to help with everything, you're gonna overwhelm yourself with all of it. But when you can narrow your scope, then it's not quite as overwhelming. It's better for your mental health and you can tag in other people.


You can decide, yep, I'm gonna focus just on this. And I found people that I'm value-aligned with. So I can say, okay, you're gonna come to me for this part. And then we're gonna tag you over to this person and they're gonna help you with this. And then maybe they tag you onto the next person.


The Power of Tag Team Services


Over the last several years, I've been meeting tons and tons of coaches because I wanted to learn what's everybody's skillset. Because I love talking with strangers. I love to help people, especially if I see them struggling with something, or if they have some big dream, I wanna help them to be able to realize it.


This takes us back to this wonderful group of coaches that I get to go spend some time with. I think I've already met at least virtually well, over a hundred of them. We've started to develop relationships. We've started to do some Zoom coffee chats to get to know each other. I'm learning more and more about who they are as a person, so I can make sure that we're value-aligned. I'm also checking out what kind of skillsets do they have? What is their background?


I met someone recently who is a patent lawyer in addition to being a life coach. That's a pretty cool combo. I'm looking forward to meeting him in person and getting to know him even better. But I meet people that coach on all sorts of topics. I meet business coaches that also have the life go, coach training, and I meet healing coaches that also have this life coach training. And people that want to create some very, very cool things out in the world. And they happen to have life coaching.


Like I said, having this knowledge of the coaching model really opens up a lot oppoortunities for us. And it brings us together. We have this shared language, we all understand about our mindset and how our thoughts control our feelings, which control our actions. And ultimately give us our results.


I've been creating a bit of a database of everybody that I meet and all of these tidbits about them. It helps me with my memory too, so that I can remember who they are. Then I can connect them with the people that need them the most. Now, I've been on a bit of a role lately. I think this week alone, I have paired together, were people out in the world that needed coaching with someone that had a very specific skillset.


I was able to put all of those people together and I was so excited. Now, one of the things that can happen in our mind is the fear of scarcity. There's not enough people out in the world that will want our service, so why would we want to send everybody to other people? Well, that's because if you've ever looked at the world, there are billions of people in the world. And everybody needs help of one kind or another. If you were to try to help of these different people, there's no way you would be able to support them.


Even if you're working locally and you're thinking, oh, but my city doesn't have a whole lot of people. I wanna work with people in-person, one-on-one, but here's the thing. You only have so much bandwidth. There are only so many people that you can provide high-quality service to at one time. Now, yes, you can create things like courses and memberships and stuff so that you can have a one-to-many model and help more people. But in order to give really high quality, you still wanna try to limit the number of people that you help. Therefore, you're going to need partners to be able to take your overflow because there will be overflow.


People need the type of service that you offer. And this goes for any entrepreneur. This isn't just for being a coach. You could be someone in the world that offers something like a cleaning service. Do you realize how many things in the world need cleaning? And that people are willing to pay for help for someone to come and clean their stuff for them. There's only one of you. Even if you create a whole company, something like Merry Maids, where the staff can take care of lots and lots of clients, you still can only take on so many clients at one time.


And there's specialties. You may be really great at cleaning a house, but are you really great at cleaning a boat? A boat has a whole different other set of problems with like barnacles and stuff that grow on the bottom. There's even a different between office buildings and homes. There's different timing constraints. There's different dynamics that are going on different routines that happen. So there's always a need for your service. There's always a need for some type of a specialization.


Let's say you did have a client who had a home and a business. If you formed some kind of a tag team service with another company that specialized in that area, you could help the person with their home cleaning and then tag them over to your business colleague who could take care of their office buildings. There's enough to go around.


One client can have multiple needs. Not only are there billions of people in the world, but each of those people has multiple needs. There's always going to be plenty of business for you. So tag team coaching or even tag team in business is going to help you.


Avoiding Burnout


If you're an employee, consider that also that you might burn yourself out by trying to be everything to everybody. And that you really do need to allow your teammates a moment to take on that workload tag, some work over to them, let them specialize in that part. You specialize in your part. Maybe you have a little bit of overlap. That's okay. You always wanna have some kind of redundancies, but you don't have to take on the whole world. You're gonna stress yourself out. You're gonna take on that responsibility of everything has to be complete and done. When you know, you're just one person.


It's okay to let it be a team effort. This again, develops your growth mindset. That there's always plenty of work. There's always going to be praise for even a small portion of the work, right? You think that you might have to deliver this big, huge scope of work or completion of effort so that you'll get the appreciation. They'll also appreciate if you do one portion of it, right? If that part was assigned to you and another team member does another part, they can give praise to both of you. It doesn't have to be all the praise for you. And it also doesn't mean that if you only do part of it, that it's like a light switch, praise comes to you or praise doesn't come to you. That's not quite the case. Praise can go along to a lot of people.


If you're someone that is trying to get a promotion so that you can get a raise or a business owner, that's trying to ensure that they're getting all of the revenue so they can meet their revenue targets. You might start to be worried that by scoping down what you do or by tagging someone else in that you won't get that promotion, that you won't get that raise, or you might not get the revenue that you want in your business. I want to invite you to consider that might just be a thought. 


People that are team players that deliver really good results are often the ones that do get that extra recognition that do get those raises. Because you don't want a whole lot of competition going on at the top, within a company. Teams up at the C-suite can even each other apart when it comes to competition and then the whole company falls apart. It can come to a grinding halt. I've seen it. It's not a good thing.


You want team members that show that they can do all of that collaboration. And then they get promoted. You can make yourself look really, really bad when you're worried us about yourself looking good. And you want to either tuck away your teammates or take them down a little bit, maybe even talk bad about them. Other people notice your behavior. But when they see that you're lifting other people up, that you're collaborating with them, that you're creating great things together. You'll get that recognition. You'll get those promotions. You'll get those raises.


Word of Mouth


Same thing as a business owner, word of mouth spreads. It's all about your reputation. If you're someone that's talking trash about other people in the industry or about other businesses, because you are trying to make yourself look better so that people will want to come and purchase what you have or pay for your products as higher end. Meanwhile, like you're not giving anybody else a chance.


Your reputation starts to get tarnished and you don't want that for yourself. You wanna help people. You may not even realize that you're doing it. It's one of those psychological defense mechanisms. People will act weird when they're worried about the loss of love or the loss of status. But when you realize that people are going to love you as you, they're gonna find you important as you and that part that you contribute, then you never have to worry about the loss of love and status. The confidence in you is already there. It's ingrained and people can sense it. They can feel it.


In fact, that's who they wanna be around. These are the types of people that I am looking for when I go to this big mastermind event, it's an event that happens only one time a year. This is my very first one, so I'm not quite sure what to expect, but I'm super excited for it. It's only two days, but I'm gonna be there for about five days with travel and then spending a little extra time so that I can get to know more people. Get together for more lunches, more dinners, all of that. But it's really because I wanna get to know people. I wanna make sure that they're aligned. That these are people that I trust that I can do tag team coaching with. When I meet people out in the world that I can say, oh, Hey, I know so and so, and he, or she does this thing and they can help you.


Those are gonna be the relationships that I'm gonna go and find. And if someone doesn't have the right values or they have a bit of a fixed mindset, they're more competitive or they're talking bad about someone, first, I'm gonna offer to help them. Because I really believe that people can develop a growth mindset. They can get there. Tag team coaching might be a new concept for them. So I would be more than happy to help develop them so they can feel better. They can do better in their businesses. They can be better for their clients. They even become better family members.


I think there's also a great opportunity for some collaboration, there's different products and services that we might be able to create together. But first we have to know each other. We have to know what our different skillsets are. Then if we know that there's a need out in the world for this really great combination, we can more than happily come together and create that and help more people. It's a beautiful thing.


So what about you? Are there people at your work or in your business circles that you could develop tag team coaching or tag team relationships with?


Are there times where you've taken everything on yourself and not giving other people an opportunity? Maybe this is a good time for you to develop your skillset around this. Just experiment with it, give it a try. It feels pretty darn good. All right. When you hear from me next week, I will be in Texas. I'm gonna try to record an episode before I go. It kind of bombs me out. I'd rather tell you real time what's going on, but I have to know my limitations record something ahead of time. I'll still have it for you next Friday. But you know, in upcoming episodes, I'm gonna share my experience with you. All of the goodness. There's so much to be learned. So many great people to meet, and I want you to know what it was like.


All right. My strong friends, hopefully I've given you some pretty good food for thought, hope that you have a wonderful week and I'll talk with you soon. Bye bye.




Thank you for listening to My Freedom Grove podcast.  I can't wait to work with you directly. I'll help you to be your authentic self, to have amazing relationships and to live your purpose. I invite you to check out Unshakable Men and Unshakable Women. The Unshakable programs will give you all of the tools, the coaching and the community to help you rise in life, relationships, and business. To learn more, go to my freedom grove.com/workwithme. I can't wait to see you there.


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