$3,000.00 USD

Business Journey

Holistic Business & Life Coaching for a Calm Business, Mind and Life

What you'll get:

  • 3 months of weekly 1:1 sessions (up to 2 hours) - 12 sessions

  • Between call support: coaching via email or Facebook Messenger

  • Business Dashboard with your customized funnel and target metrics to meet your goals (if relevant)

  • Customized Project Plan (if relevant)
  • Review & Feedback of Your Content:  Landing Pages, Products, emails, Social Media (Unlimited review during sessions plus up to 15 minutes between sessions each week)

  • Tech Support during sessions 

  • Customized Google Tools relevant to your Journey

  • Wired for Success online course - Learn the Clarity Steps goal achievement process

  • Inclusion in Unshakable Business Co-Lab Facebook group
NOTE: Full Business Vision and goals will be documented as part of The Clarity Steps process.  However, scope of work will be constrained to 3 month result target.